How Deep Runs The Rabbit Hole Really


This post relates to my recent post concerning the dangers of taking things too lightly.

What is true - what is real?

And here is where I can bring in my wild personal experiences - at least to point out the possibilities...

... whether deception and falsehoods or truth.

Let's consider the following two options:

1. And this will sure sound absolutely crazy and controversial: Might the US, the place from which a lot of erroneous information seems to stem, be in on the game, and a lot of large-scale violence and crime is merely faked? I remember this presumed shooting at a concert in Paris and attacks in the city from a few years back, where footage and photos had surfaced that looked like the whole thing was merely a charade and was set up for whatever reason.

2. Or is this merely the story they want us to believe, and in reality, the dangers are much more grave and as real as we believe? 

And even though, at the highest level, life on Earth could be seen as "a game", that does NOT mean that it should be seen as that at our human level. If you've looked into some of my other posts, with "higher level", I would, of course, think of life in the non-physical realms, where everything presumably seems to be seen merely as 'experiences'—the dark working against the light, the light overcoming the dark being the goal. Meaning, the dark could theoretically also win? Even if I do not believe they will. Because the light - love - is far stronger than the dark - or false light. All the damage that has been done needs to be undone. Falsehoods eventually will crumble once people start to get the note that LOVE, and for the masses to join hands, is what is needed to turn things around. 

What I meant above by "personal experiences" is that I had these wild things going on last year with voices in my head, starting in Menorca. After leaving the Island, I ended up in Milan, and those voices were (still) leading me into crazy narratives. Though, in that case, upon arriving in Milan, mostly not as scary as before. - To back this up, by the way, with a strange experience: I was using the GPS on my phone to try to find the way to the train station, but suddenly it didn't function properly. So I asked whether they could show me the way. And they did. I was guided exactly to the location I wanted to go to.

But to get to the point: The initial narrative(s) in this case, upon arriving in Milan was/were that this whole thing is just a "game" and people (friends, acquaintances, family, etc.) were waiting for me in a hotel for a massive party. I know that this sounds insane, and it's not so much about the details right now. It's just about the manner by which I was tricked into believing this stuff and actually walked around town with all my luggage to try and find the right location of where they were. Needless to say that there was nothing.

So, what if exactly something like this is going on on a large scale and people of influence have been made to believe that it's all just a game and that perhaps, in one year, two years, or ten years there's gonna be a great unveiling, or something similar?! When all the while, the world is gradually shifting towards a totalitarian society as described in George Orwell's "1984":

 - Only a few more months, and we will have made it. Only two more vaccinations. Just don't forget to renew the three shots next year. It's only this immunity passport. Only these borders we may have to close for now. Only certain people with their dangerous beliefs may have to be locked away for a little while. It's in everyone's best interest. Ok, maybe just one more year. Perhaps we need stricter measures now. We're getting there. It just takes time. -

My experiences neither prove in any way that this is going on, but merely should show what is possible and that things could be very twisted. Look at Bush Jr. and Obama or Trump. Don't they look like they have something to hide? Having fun and being joyful is great, but also if indeed the evilest things were going on in the country, which they had to support? So, are they merely being fooled, believing that it's literally all just a game and everything terrorism-related and so on in- and outside of the country is fake, when it is not; or might there be another clue here, with genuine intel about that indeed there is no evil shadow government, and rather this is all a massive ploy to trigger and allow for people to learn moving towards love and unity when it seems SO necessary?

Again, either way, knowing or being quite sure that we are being guided "by love", the way to solve our problems indeed seems to be to move towards love and unity, as opposed to staying put and in ignorance and apathy or even following false teachings that tell those that are "woke" that they could heal everything simply from within, and therefore are rejecting the idea of joining hands.

So, whether there is real evil that was allowed (from a higher perspective) to help foster evolution: the answer is love. Whether there are alternative answers: the answer still is love.

Ignoring the warnings... is evil.

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