The Importance of Transmutation of Negative & Positive Goddess Energies


From "The Christ Letters (An Evolutionary Guide Home)
Ch. 6, "Seven Sacred Cows busted open",
Letter 3, "Christ in the Patriarchy".

"We have become enmeshed in the past to the point where we can no longer distinguish between what was our legacy then and what spirit is focused upon now. That ultra-feminine part of our being is so timeless and vast that we can easily get lost in her, not embodying the harder, more individual dynamics of this stage in evolution.

We need the goddess to restore our inward soul, but spirit is another thing entirely.

It is not easy to go back to find the Living Spirit.

If we are ever going to be on intimate terms again with the core spirit of the Earth, we will need to grapple with the masculine era that supplanted the ancient feminine mystery streams, as this era is certainly not without purpose.

It is awkward that Christ Jesus incarnated as a male of the species and that when I meet him now he emphasizes the masculine side of his being. This is inconvenient because he is all of us moving forward through him, and yet he is masculine. What did the male era of the last couple thousand years bring to us besides the oppressions and the distancings that are so obvious and pervasive?

When Christ taught me how to look at living pictures of each stage of human evolution, I was always stunned at the difference between what I saw and what I expected to see. Ordinarily, we impose ideology and mental frameworks upon the whole of history.

What is it like to see history on its own terms, directly as it was, freed of our preferences, our projections, our one-sided notions?

The submerged interior battle inside each one's own story, between the Christ within them and all the old forces from ancient times, is the spiritual backbone of the Piscean Age. It is this age-old conundrum that keeps each one enchanted in unconscious forces and compulsive syndromes. A dawning light has been working its way down into the innermost places where each one secretly dwells. The further it penetrates, the greater this light draws forth karmic layers of the soul to work through, lifetime after lifetime.

This becomes a major undertaking. When we internally excavate our soul's treasures and ancient accumulations, we actually meet two divergent sides of the feminine.

We find one side that holds a layer of the fragrant touch with the source of the mystery of life, which is constantly called to be restored unto itself. On the other side we find a layer of seductive engulfment within the recesses of the personal soul that perpetually needs to be vindicated and crowned with pride.

This dark feminine aspect is not something to blindly unite with or idealize.

In many lifetimes I found myself ensnared in the dark feminine more than any other place. Most of those whose soul records I have investigated also carry a similar story. Those who have incarnated numerous times, particularly as women, seem quite susceptible to falling for their own seductive places of magnetic entrapment within deep, murky waters.

All of this shifts when it is brought to Christ.

As I revealed my soul to him, he did not curse, reject, deny, or attempt to push away this shame region inside my feminine soul. Instead, he revealed its purpose and its power. There is a redemptive side of this deep feminine place where multitudes have become trapped and lost for so very long. Let us gaze upon it now.

The masculine-dominated era offers the most aggressive and forceful aspects of each one's being as an arena within which to play, to work, to explore, and to become adept in catalyzing the workings of the external layers of Earth existence. This is the dynamic that has taken charge of life by loading us with rewards and recognition for our courage and strength in such demonstrable push.

The darker feminine aspect has been forced far under and into hiding.

This has caused her to turn both away from and against herself. She does not disappear or rot away. She attacks herself out of frustration because she does not have a place to express and embody the emotions and the sensations that perennially build up, eventually becoming inflamed and engorged lifetimes.

The most vital matter to penetrate is the simple truth that the deep feminine has been absolutely at odds with herself in terms of not knowing what to do about her unceasing imprisonment.

Whenever she does come to the surface, she carries layers of loaded undercurrent of seething rage. Every situation she touches erupts into chaos. Even when she tries to be prudent and hold on in hope of something shifting, the deep feminine escalates into further snarls and cauldrons of burning frenzy because she still cannot find a place to be.

What Christ Jesus showed me was that indeed the tide is turning.

We are heading right into an androgynous era, when all polarities will be free to feel and express whatever is inside them.

But in order to travel across to this long-pending Age of Aquaria, we must first take the proud feminine who believes she is the center of all spiritual value, as well the shame-saturated feminine who is caught in her own coils and we must bring each feminine voice to expression, even as it kills us to go that deep."

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